Eight much-loved green spaces earn national recognition

Released: Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Green Flag logo (R) Registered trademark

Eight green spaces in Adur and Worthing have again been awarded the Green Flag for their successful management, great quality and achieving the highest environmental standards.

In Adur Lancing Manor, Buckingham Park, Lancing Ring and Shoreham Beach have all once again retained the honour, while Beach House Park, Field Place, Highdown Gardens and Marine Gardens in Worthing won the coveted award again.

Launched in 1996, the Green Flag Award is the national benchmark for parks and green spaces designed to encourage the provision of good quality public parks and green spaces that are managed in environmentally sustainable ways.

Cllr Emma Evans, Adur District Council's Cabinet Member for the Environment, said:

“It's brilliant news that four of our treasured open spaces have been recognised for the distinguished Green Flag award.

“Our green spaces are so valuable to our communities, and this award is evidence of all the hard work our teams and fabulous volunteers have invested into our parks.”

Cllr Vicki Wells, Worthing Borough Council's Cabinet Member for the Environment, added:

“The emotional impact of the pandemic on mental wellbeing can't be underestimated.

“Combined with the urgency to support biodiversity and nature during the ecological and climate crisis, Council teams and local volunteers in Worthing's parks and open spaces go from strength to strength.

“These amazing people are crucial to help maintain these wonderful green spaces. Importantly, they also support each other and nature for the benefit of all Worthing residents and visitors.

“A Green Flag award reflects this passion, dedication and commitment and I applaud each and every group for the incredible results. I thoroughly recommend a trip to Highdown Gardens, Marine Gardens, Field Place and Beach House Park to enjoy some quality time with nature.”

The Green Flag Award Scheme, managed by Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, sets the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world. 

Awards are given on an annual basis and winners must apply each year to renew their Green Flag status with volunteer judges deciding on each successful site.

Each award winning park must be deemed to be a welcoming place, healthy, safe and secure, well maintained and clean, while also meeting criteria such as sustainability, conservation and heritage and have community involvement.

This year has seen 2,216 parks honoured - the largest number since the scheme began 27 years ago.

See also: Green Flag Award website


Photo:  Buckingham Park, Shoreham-by-Sea

PR23-098 - Buckingham Park, Shoreham-by-Sea

Photo: Lancing Manor Park

PR23-098 - Lancing Manor Park

Photo: People walking at Lancing Ring

Lancing Ring - people going for a walk

Photo: Shoreham Beach - vegetated shingle

Shoreham Beach - vegetated shingle


Photo: Beach House Park, Worthing

PR23-098 - Beach House Park, Worthing

Photo: Field Place, Worthing

PR23-098 - Field Place, Worthing

Photo: Highdown Gardens, Worthing

PR23-098 - Highdown Gardens, Worthing

Photo: Marine Gardens, Worthing

PR23-098 - Marine Gardens, Worthing


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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